
Who would credit that little Cristian Mirica is two years and seven months! He is so small! When he arrived here in May 2006 I realized his needs are many. Firstly, although almost three years old, he could neither talk nor walk. Having a cleft palate he could not eat normal food - only milk. Nevertheless he was hungry. Bit by bit, with love and care, he is slowly improving and, hopefully, will continue to develop after the palate operation.

Keeping him washed, renewing pampers and taking him outside
in a push chair daily is a joy to do but the biggest joy was to see him, at last, take an interest in toys. I could hardly believe I would get such satisfaction seeing him choose a toy and playing with it. I hope and pray this is the first step into a normal life. I know this seems distant but Jesus tells us to PRAY and TRUST! All we can do otherwise for this little abandoned child is to make his life here, however short, as happy as possible.